Little Paris
Hello! Wallo!

Assalamualikum! Hi I'm Ika Raihana. Welcome to My Bloggie Paris Town. Thanks to be my follower !

Entries About Linkies Stuff

Walking Talking

Big Clap

Template: Intan Aqilah
Basecodes: Yaya


Hi. First of all I want to thank to Allah for everything that I have now.
Alhamdulillah, day by a day my life has been threating me rather well.
Thank Allah for the preciuos life and giving me the wonderful family, amazing friends and so on.
Wothout them, I would be alone and ofcos my life would be boring. 
The tests that always make me more braver and also the pains that always make me stronger.
I may be not a perfect gurl, but I always thankful for what I have now (:
Thankyou so much dear friends and family (:
See! Now I always said the nonsense thing.
I dont know why. Maybe sekarang ni saye banyak masalah. Masalah? Huh -,- Apekah masalah itu?
Ha saye tahu ape masalah itu. Maybe tentang hubungan saye dengan dia kot.
Yar siyesly macam termaktub di Fb. Saye sudah pun single and maybe available. LELWS!
Tapi sebelum kejadian ni, saye sering rase sedih. Kenape saye sedih? Saye pun tak tahu.
Saye selalu merase kan yang semue orang selalu takde time saye susah.
Betol ke macam tu? Mungkin tidakkkk.....!
Saye je yang merase kan bukanbukan. Kawan dan family saye selalu ade time saye susah. Thankyou for them.
Baik lahhhhhh, sampai di sini saje. Sebenar nya saye tak terniat nak tulis blog ini, tak terniat nak update tak terniat nak tulis new entry ni.
Tapi tu lah, aty saye yang suruh. Aty saye tetap berkeras. 
Baik lah, saye penat nak hadapi.